Monday 18 February 2013

Superfood Smoothies For Athletic Recovery

Hey, everyone!
    So after Family day and probably eating snacks and junk food all weekend. You cheated on your diet and are ready to get back on the band wagon. So I went out for a run after dinner. Upon returning from my run I am always starving so I'm sharing my go-to superfood smoothie recipes. Lets start out quick and easy.

Strawberry-Banana Smoothie
1 Banana
1 Handful of Strawberries/mixed berries
1 Handful of ice
1/2 cup of coconut water/milk
1 tbsp flaxseed

superfood smoothies
Frozen Strawberries/Bananas for easy access

I Like to pre-package my fruit for the week, making it much easier to throw in the blender when I'm ready to blend it up. Just a tip: Slice up the banana before you freeze it.

flax seed
This is the Flaxseed I use, but you can buy most brands at any grocery store, health food store, GNC, Whole Foods etc.

blueberries antioxidents healthy snacks
Frozen Blueberries
I used yummy blueberries filled with Antioxidents, adds a bit more flavor to your regular strawberry banana smoothie. 

     This smoothie is great for a post-workout recovery treat. Our Superfood Smoothie is great for the following reasons:
Banana - contains minerals and potassium which help enhance muscle function
Strawberries/Mixed Berries - loaded with antioxidents, helps reduce muscle inflammation
Flaxseed - helps with weight management and decreases muscle inflammation
Coconut water - more hydrating than normal water, which is always good after a workout where you have been sweating a lot.

So let me know what you think about this recipe and what do you do differently?

Check out the related link:
I found this website very useful for information regarding the health benefits of superfood smoothies such as the simple strawberry-banana smoothie.

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